Expenses Policy for Umbrella Workers
- This policy deals with claims for reimbursement of expenses by umbrella workers.
- This policy does not form part of any employee’s or worker’s contract of employment or engagement and we may amend it at any time.
- Whether expenses can be repaid, and what expenses may be repaid, will vary from case to case, according to a range of factors, including:
- the nature and type of expense;
- the source from which it is to be repaid (whether the cost of the expense is to be covered in full by the agency or client, or whether it is to be repaid from company funds);
- the type of contract under which you are engaged, and the agreed payment basis for your current assignment;
- whether (in the case of travel and subsistence expenses for journeys to and from a workplace) that workplace qualifies as ‘temporary’;
- whether or not, as to the way in which you work, you are subject to (or to the right of) supervision, direction, or control by any person (this often affects whether or not a workplace can properly be treated as ‘temporary’);
- Whether expenses can be repaid, and what expenses may be repaid, will vary from case to case, according to a range of factors, including:
- We are willing to discuss with you, in relation to each assignment, whether or not any expenses can properly be repaid, with a view to arriving at an Individual Expense Plan.
- Under an Individual Expense Plan, we may agree to reimburse to you authorised expenses actually and reasonably incurred in the performance of your duties in accordance with our current expenses policies, provided
- we are satisfied that the reimbursement would not offend against any applicable salary sacrifice or other legislative requirements;
- we are satisfied that the expense claimed can legitimately be reimbursed without deduction of tax and NIC;
- both the nature of the expense and the amount are (where practicable, and where applicable) agreed in advance;
- you comply with our current rules and procedures for expense claims; and
- the claim is (unless our current expenses policy states otherwise) accompanied by receipts, and is submitted at the same time as any timesheet for the period in question.
- Any claim for expenses which are expected to be passed on to the Client may only be made direct to the Client if the Client’s expense procedures require that you do so; and if you make any such expense claim direct to the Client, you must provide us with a copy of every such claim, and with such further details as we may require, to enable us to comply with our own legal obligations.